Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sound Effects

With technology these days being so advanced, humans need for advanced entertainment is more than ever. With our senses being such a ticklish outlet for stimulation its not a mystery why humans are entertained through movies. Many things attract the viewer to a particular movie. People may like the story, or the actor or the previous film in the plot but what people forget is that they are 100% dependant on sound and video. If you went to see the last Harry Potter movie and it didn't have any sound you wouldn't care if they're at Hogwarts you can't hear them! Sound is such a necessary component of media that people take it for granted or don't even acknowledge it's effect. You might be scared by the murderer jumping out of the closet in a scene but its the sudden jolt of loud music and the door crashing open thats gonna get you to jump out of your seat. This video I posted here (click here) shows a professional Foley artist as he gives some insight into the art of making lifelike sounds out of everyday objects.This essential behind the scenes work needs to be greatly appreciated, because without it we'd get a lot less enjoyment out of the things we do for entertainment on this modern day planet.


Ms. Johnson said...

Since you're interested in animation, you might like this video on Wall-E's sound created by a legendary sound designer.

Ms. Johnson said...

Let's try that link code again:

click here