Friday, February 4, 2011

Whad Up, Johnson

Okay so my name is Dawson B (AKA Bossmans). Cyber Arts is something that i don't involve a lot of my personal efforts in. I love the class, I enjoy the doing the work, it's a really nice change to the usual work we do in school. But still to an extent work is work and not everything is hop-to happy-go-lucky with me. If anything were to be my "favourite" in this class (favourite would intail that I actually enjoy doing it, which doesn't always happen in school, because education does not chase student desire, it chases teaching needs) it would be more along the lines of animation, always from the tech-portion of the class. If I were to explain "who" I am without relevance to school or education I would tell you that I am a stubborn, teen-ager who thinks I'm always right. I have my very own distinct beliefs about the world and stand by them like a religion, this is also portrayed in my attitude. If I don't agree with you I won't listen, If i think you are of lesser mind, your words are empty. These attitudes sometimes get me in trouble but I stand by them, because after all they make "me", and I stand by me.

1 comment:

Ms. Johnson said...

Hey D,
Funnily enough my husband (& kids) are "Dawsons" (last name that is)
Anyway, interesting to hear your perspective. Maybe for the 2nd project (a music video) you could integrate some animation into the video?
Looking forward to seeing "your awesomeness" in practice!