Friday, April 23, 2010

Self Portrait

THis year in my Cyber arts class, we were assigned to digitally create a self portrait of ourselves. After this digital portrait is completed we are then painting it onto canvas. I chose this project to share because i feel it will be one of my best works. When the planning first came we needed to choose an art style that we were going to attempt to mimic. Many ideas came to mind, mainly clinging to surrealist styles. The idea I settled on was me as a zombie; this inspiration comes from being raised on zombie movies. My plan has many layers of meaning, which took a while for me to work out in my head. I'm trying to convey that i am a reliable person, who is stern in their beliefs. As of now it is a work in progress, and I'm still trying to figure out many details in the background. This project proves to be lengthy and will take all of my creative-thinking power to achieve what i am aiming for. Here is what i have so far.


oivaizmir said...

Never do the bottom button up on a blazer

The Night Angel said...

I really like this piece that you've done.
I know I heard you had trouble with the sun but it looks really great!

Great gob all around! ^.^